
Little of This, Little of That

So it seems like not much has been going on, then when I look back, I realize that we have actually been up to quite a lot. Here is a photo re-cap of the latest happenings at the Mast Casa.

We had a friendly vine snake visitor. I really wanted to touch it - so I did...then it scurried outa there and scared us all!!

The boys had the day off from school so we went for lunch at a favorite place and hung out, enjoying the sunshine:

Friendly parrot eager to say hello.

Beautiful Scarlet Macaw

My volleyball team traveled to Guayabo and kicked some Tica a$$.

Our second round of incu-chicks netted about 20 but then they caught a disease and started dropping like flies. Three have survived.

Another street rat (dog) was brought over (thanks JJ) and we nursed her back to survival. She is keeping Stella busy and has finally put on some weight.

Jax lost yet another tooth making the grand total three right now. So far, no more are loose so hopefully he won't have to eat with his side teeth for too much longer:)

And there ya have it... not too much happening, but enough that if you blink - you might miss something!


My First 10K

When I first decided to start running I was right in the middle of my weight watchers journey, my mission of losing those 40 pounds I had been heaving around for too many years. I started my workout regimen with the 30 Day Shred and a couple weeks into that, I started Couch to 5k, a running program designed to get your ass of the couch and in 5k shape in nine weeks.

My first run was terrible. I cursed running the whole time (despite that particular session being 1/2 walking)... My goal at that point was to be able to run without my thighs slapping each other raw, it certainly wasn't in order to run a 5k because, well, that seemed like a ridiculous, impossible feat.

Fast forward nine weeks, or maybe 11, I had a trip to the states in there, and I had done it. I was so amazed with myself and my accomplishment. Unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity to showcase my new found skill until nearly six months later when we went to Wyoming for Christmas and I was finally able to run my first organized 5k, in the freezing cold winter iced over roads.

Seven weeks ago my friend sent me an email about a 10k that was being organized for our little town here in Bagaces. An organized race you say? Oh, but it's a 10k...I can't do that. Or can I? I decided, what the hell, I will try and if I have to walk, I walk a bit - no big deal! So to training I went. I ran on our farm road, I ran with my friends Wiebke and Wilson on the weekends, pushing each other, motivating each other - and thank goodness for them because if someone were to ask me, should we keep going or cut it early, I will ALWAYS choose the latter. They were great training mates to say the least.

So a few weeks ago, I was in Liberia and saw a sign for a different 10k, taking place the week before the race for which I was training. I mentioned it to Wilson and he was all for it (I was just sort of for it) and before I knew it he had signed us both up - no backing out now!

I still figured if I needed to stop and walk so be it, and plus, they had like 3 or 4 drinking stations I could stop!

Last Saturday was the big day and it was hot hot hot. The race was scheduled to start at 2 (really? whose big idea was that?) which in Tico time really means 3:30... Along with Wilson and I were Wiebke and two of her co-workers from the monkey project, Lindsey and Kristen. Karla, who works for my father in law also came and put on her game face!

We checked in and got a sweet shirt and these race time tag things we had to put on our shoelaces...certainly big time! Once the race was underway there was REALLY no backing out. I tried tagging behind Wilson the whole time b/c his pace is faster than mine so it was a good way to push myself. I passed the first water station, deciding to wait until the 5k turn around mark which, when reached, the water lady turned to get more cups as I was passing so I opted to keep running vs. stop and wait the two seconds fully planning, again, to get water at the next.

As I was approaching the 5k mark and as the runners ahead of me started running by, I tried counting the women to get an idea of my placement. After 18 or 20 I lost count and gave up that chore and continued to put one foot in front of the other. I made the turn and started the journey back waving at the friendly faces passing by (the one's I knew that is, I wasn't just running and waving at strangers, don't get crazy)!

Finally it was time for my water - What? You're out? Awesome.

My next mission was to find the finish line. Each time I approached a female I gave a little extra push to pass her. The last stretch was miserable, a sweet down slope - which can only be followed by a breath-sucking, side-wrenching uphill battle. I might have made it up that hill faster if I did actually walk but walk I would not - I was close enough, I was going to finish.

Running through the inflatable finish line I was met by cheers from well wishers and the nice girls who gave me my medal... did I win? Why yes, I won, but not the race...we all got a medal:)

My digital foot tracker thingy time was 1:00:48 and my "official" time was 1:01:00. With over 450 participants, I finished 86th overall and 13th in women! I was pretty damn proud of myself, and really thirsty:)

Tomorrow is the next race - this one is uphill for 5k, and right back down where we came from. I don't have any lofty goals of beating my race time because of the hill factor, but I now know that I can complete it!

Here we are gearing up for the race.

Wiebke, Wilson and me

After race - someone give me an IV

After race gold medal winners

Fresh mangoes and bananas for your tired bodies!

The end.