

Last night I took fondue to game night at Judy's... hells yes, fondue, it's been far too long. Around these parts, chocolate and peanut butter don't come cheap so its a very special occasion - especially to see them mixed together!

Given all the leftovers in my fridge and my every effort not to grab a straw to suck up every ounce of chocolatey peanut buttery goodness, I was ever so kind to allow my children this one small delicacy...just this once...for lunch. Hey - there was fruit involved, don't judge me!

Jax didn't really know what it was, but as I was warming the fondue he decided there must be chocolate chips involved because he could smell them. Yes, he is my child after all!!!

And here he is... first bite - gotta load up that pineapple!

A very happy Riley - pre-chocolate inhalation

Mmmmm...oh yes mom. You ARE a good cook!

A marshmallow AND a coconut cookie - it really IS the best!

Sweet love - I want to lick his face off.
After "lunch" Jax ate an apple, a ham/tortilla, yogurt and a box of milk - guess chocolate isn't that filling...as for Riley, he is still napping so I did my job:)

1 comment:

  1. Hahah! I think I must've looked like Riley in that last picture after I ate your fondue, too. That was delicious!


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