Last Friday Aaron and I went to San Jose for the procedure. My appointment was at 9 and I had a few short exams before they were to cut my eyes in half. Okay okay, nothing that extreme. It actually took only 15 minutes for both eyes. There is some pressure and some slight pain at one point but all in all the procedure was not bad at all. After I was finished it was only 11 or so and we couldn't get into the hotel until 2pm...I didn't even think about that when planning, oops!
We decided to go have lunch and chill out for a couple hours. The restaurant didn't open until noon so we had to wait in the car... at that point I was pretty uncomfortable, I hadn't taken any of the meds and it was really bright outside. I had to wear the plastic shields they taped to my face, my sunglasses on top and a towel on top of that, no fun. Finally we got inside and the nice lady unscrewed the light bulb for me. Normally when you have laser eye surgery you are supposed to go home after it, take the meds and go to sleep for a few hours. I see why. My eyes were unable to open. If I even tried it felt like they were being stabbed with ice pics so I kept them closed. I had a lunch in a blind mans shoes and Aaron messed with me the whole time, moving my drink, making me think he had gotten up and left me talking to myself like a crazy person, you know how he is:):) I was pretty uncomfortable so he got my meds and I topped it off with a glass of wine and life was good again:)
After lunch we went to the hotel and napped for a few hours, then got up and went to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D. I exchanged my plastic shields for 3D goggles and my eyes worked! The next day we ran a few errands and came home. Its weird not having my glasses and at times I find myself looking for them or trying to take them off after reading before going to sleep... but it's an adjustment I am happy to live with!!!
My first pair of glasses, about 2004 sometime.
Incidentally it seems I won at poker:)
Incidentally it seems I won at poker:)
Post surgery, that's tape above my eyes holding down my plastic parts... not wrinkles.
Although those ARE real wrinkles on my cheeks! YIKES!!
HYSTERICAL pictures at the end...glad everything went well! :o)