Yesterday was a great day in Houston. Aaron and JJ went to play golf and disc golf so the boys and I headed to the mall. The mall had a Children's Museum which was so fun. They had train tables, arts and crafts, a construction equipment area, play kitchens, and much more...we had a blast!! After dinner we woke Riley up and took the boys to play in the fountains which is always a great time! Since you are probably wondering, Aaron and JJ tied golfing. Aaron hasn't had the opportunity to golf much in CR and the Wii just isn't the same...needless to say he was very happy to get back out there.
Today we are headed to Austin to see the Latimer's whom I haven't seen in nearly 2 years:(:(:( We are very excited to check out Austin and hit the hot sauce festival on Sunday!!!
Here are some pics from our day yesterday...for the full album check
For a cute video look

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