This year the private school in town opened a level for Riley's age group (2-3 year olds), so Riley began his first year of pre-school, or "kinder" if you want to get technical.
The first day went without incident since it was new, lot's of kids, toys, etc... Day 2-4 were an all out fit-fest where I had to pry his sweet paws from my legs, ending with day five where he proclaimed he had a "fun day at school Mommy!"
Now that it's our routine, he begins each morning stating "I no want go school," then happily strolls in, puts his backpack down and does great!
Last week I began going to school also... I was asked to teach their English section which is about 1.5 hours twice/week and much to my surprise (especially after the first day) a lot of fun. In addition to their English class in school, I also am teaching "English Club" which is an after-school program on Wednesday's for one hour consisting of ONLY games, songs, etc... in English. Currently I have 11 children plus my own two so I have to be constantly on my toes and 100% prepared before class - there is no winging it with this bunch.
So far so good this year! Here are some pics of my adorable boys in their uniforms (Riley has since gotten the appropriate shorts)... and myself, on the way to my first day of school!