This is the story of a cake who meets a pumpkin and together they make magic.
I heard about this simple concept online in some weight watchers groups and always thought it seemed interesting. I ended up finding some canned pumpkin at the Gringo grocery store and decided to get it a whirl. The original recipe is for spice cake but I can't get that here so I opted for carrot, either will work...
The ingredients:
1 boxed cake mix - spice, carrot, whatever you want...get jiggy with it!
1 can (15oz.) pumpkin - NOT pumpkin pie filling
1/4 cup water
That's it. Really. Don't ask me if you need oil and eggs like the cake calls for. Just follow my directions and have faith that no, I did not leave anything out.
Here we go...
Dump all three ingredients into a mixing bowl. Stir by hand until mixed.
Batter will be fairly thick - this is normal.
Batter will be fairly thick - this is normal.
Bake in preheated oven at 350 for 17-22 minutes
or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Remove
from oven and cool.
or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Remove
from oven and cool.
If you are making/eating these b/c they are a little more healthy than regular muffins, you can go ahead and top with a dollop of cool whip for no extra guilt! I use a powdered mix that I mix with milk - similar to dream whip which you can buy in the baking isle.
What's the damage you ask? Two points+*. Two points of deliciousness!!!
You. Are. Welcome.
You. Are. Welcome.
* Two WW Points+ is for 30 servings. If you are making bigger muffins you will need to re-calculate.
On another note, this recipe is a derivative on Diet Soda Cake - where you take one box of cake mix and one 12oz. diet soda, mix it up and bake a cake. I have done a few different flavors and really enjoyed them as well. My favorite was carrot or spice cake with ginger ale. "They" say dark cake goes well with dark soda and vice versa.
On one final note - I really don't kid myself that these are actually healthy. The cake mix has plenty of crap I can't pronounce and enough sugar for the day - HOWEVER - the health benefits of pumpkin make it all worth it. If you are interested, read THIS and learn all about it!
My next mission - to skip the box and make the cake from scratch using pumpkin in place of oil and eggs... Stay tuned!